Puke & the Gang

This will only hurt for a second...


Play Episode

Intro Song -

    • Wish I Were American
Host intros -
    [Puke] Had surgery, possibly not dead.
    [280] Redacted, for your safety. Possibly also not dead.
    [Luthor] Not dead either.
Shove it in your pie-hole -
New & Cool -
Curmudgeon Corner -
  • Teens driving poorly, trying to reverse into Puke in parking lot next to skate park.
  • Idiots walking across the cross-walk in Central Square when not supposed to.
  • Drunk folk being loud and having too much fun walking past my house late at night.
  • Why do I only really like spicy food anymore?
    • Police The Nation
News -
Flickfessions -
  • Puke
  • Luthor
  • Andrew
Outro Song -
    • Mighty