2011/10/05 06:08
Play Episode
Intro Song -
Host intros -
10 episodes!
Guest -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
Flick-fessions -
E-Mails - Read them!
Outro Song -
Intro Song -
- [artist] The Detroit Cobras
- [song] Hey Sailor
Host intros -
10 episodes!
Guest -
- [Name] Justin Carter
- [About] Bread guy / Into every hobby / Too damn nice
Curmudgeon Corner -
- Fuck you weather! I want to shoot guns and take photos. -Puke
- I’m not sure who’s side to be on in the “Occupy Wall St.” debacle - Luthor
- People that reply “Maybe” to Facebook events that can’t possibly attend. -Puke
- Human Resources is evil -Andrew/Justin
- Boy gets knife returned on school bus -Justin
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Glenfiddich 12year Single Malt Scotch Whiskey
- [food] Archer Farms S’Mores trail mix
- [food] Fried Oreos made by Luthor
- [smoke] 5 Vegas Classsic
- [smoke] Macanudo Cafe Ascot
News -
- I was in jail. Twas the suck! -Andrew
- [artist] The Detroit Cobras
- [song] Ya Ya Ya (Looking for my Baby)
More News -
- Hitler caught speeding.
- This drunk mom tried tossing her kid over a ten-foot-tall fence while fleeing accident
- 'Magic mushroom' drug may improve personality long-term
- Why Your Drunk Ass Is Sick
- Racist Cupcakes? - Luthor
New & Cool -
- Amazing Facts About Facebook And Breakups
- 3D printer makes car. Really? I declare bullshit. -Andrew
- 10 best entry level sports cars of all time -Andrew
- Khan Academy
Flick-fessions -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Luthor]
- [Justin]
E-Mails - Read them!
Outro Song -
- [artist] The Detroit Cobras
- [song] Mean Man