2011/10/23 08:16
Play Episode
Intro Song -
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Guest -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
Flick-fessions -
Outro Song -
Intro Song -
- [artist] Mumford & Sons
- [song] Dust Bowl Dance
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Guest -
- [Name] Derrick J.
- [About] Likes long walks on the beach and dancing in his underwear.
- [URL] www.livefreeordance.com
Curmudgeon Corner -
- So many A-Holes
- Seeing old co-workers in a grocery store / Fuck-wit paying for over $200 of groceries with a check.
- That old chunk of toothpaste at the bottom of the bristles that won’t ever wash out.
- Kids suck!
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Curacao Curacao
- [drink] Virgin Island’s Island Summer Ale
- [food] Went for Dominos during the break.
News -
- Joyriding Feds Crash F50
- UAV drones kill US soldiers just as well as they kill "brown folk"
- 10 Stubborn Food Myths That Just Won't Die, Debunked by Science
- Why Your Stomach Growls
- [artist] Mumford & Sons
- [song] The Cave
More News -
- When Returning from the Moon, Don't Forget to Fill Out Your Customs Form
- Creator of Unix dies. No one notices. - Luthor
- Lady Gaga Fights Bullying by Becoming a Bully - Derrick J.
- Whitney Huston--What’s Safety Got To Do With It? - Derrick J
New & Cool -
Flick-fessions -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Luthor]
- [Derrick]
Outro Song -
- [artist] Mumford & Sons
- [song] Little Lion Man