2012/01/22 18:01
Play Episode
Intro Song -
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Guest -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
Media-Gasm -
Intro Song -
- [artist] Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
- [song] Home
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Guest -
- None! We have no friends.
- [puke] All bathrooms are designed by the mentally retarded.
- [luthor] Jail-bait at the KAC!
- [luthor] FTL studio shoe wearing assholes
- [andrew & luthor] Getting frustrated at engineering
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Smuttynose Winter Ale
- [drink] Smuttynose S’Muttonator
News -
- [puke] 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Beer
- [puke] Drinking Doubles Your Lifespan and Makes You Impervious to Stress
- [puke] Supreme Court Gives the Go Ahead for Re-Copyrighting Public Domain Works
- [andrew] 902 Days on the Toilet
- [artist] The Naked & Famous
- [song] Young Blood
More News -
- [puke] The most adorable and lovable video ever!
- [puke] NASA doesn't want us to see the first science fiction movie shot in space?
- [puke] NASA realizes it's a douche after-all
- [puke] Joe Paterno dead at 85
New & Cool -
- [andrew] Top 10 Sexy Chick Cars Disagree!!!
- [Luthor] 10 scientific visionaries who took drugs
- [puke] Vizio's New True Cinema Aspect Ratio TV
- [andrew] Listener topic about car’s fuel economy
- [puke] Toilet Paper World Blog
- [andrew] Sitcom Reality
- [puke] Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan!
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Luthor]
- I realized that my child hood was just like Malcolm in the Middle.
- Puke and 280 see Adam Carolla in Boston.
- [artist] Wild Light
- [song] California On My Mind