2012/02/06 19:15
Play Episode
Song -
Host intros -
Guest -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
Media-Gasm -
Crazy E-mails
Outro Song -
Luthor’s dead, long live the king.

Life-long fear of a cork maiming.

It’s all in the pour.

Song -
- [artist] Bad Religion
- [song] Requiem for Dissent
Host intros -
- Favorite colors. Why haven’t we actually talked about this?
- Each of us get one veto per show by shouting ____________ (???)
- Puke's been in NH 5 years!
Guest -
- [Name] Ali
- [About] Liberty media personality on the rise.
- [URL] www.LadiesInKeene.com
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] Why am I not more of an asshole?
- 6 reasons assholes are healthier -Luthor
- [puke] Stupid fancy restaurant chips.
- [luthor] My music collection will never be finished
- [puke] Your cologne is raping my face!
- [puke] Why does Luthor keep changing his show prep? Spoiler: death
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Old Rasputin Bourbon Barrel Ale
- [drink] Other Various Beers
- [food] Andrew and Faisal ate cheap shit Chinese food
- [smoke] NO! It’s the devil.
News -
- [andrew] DUI Zamboni Driver
- [puke] Man Arrested For Stealing a Glacier
- [puke] Stem Cell Treatment For Blindness Works, and Is Safe
Barrel Eyed Fish
- [artist] Bad Religion
- [song] The Resist Stance
More News -
- [andrew] Van Halen is BACK!!! With Dave
- [puke] Detachable Spider Penises Allow for Sneaky Escapes from Cannibalistic Mates
New & Cool -
- [andrew] Zelda Sheild
- [puke] First Look at Lego Gollum And The Rest of the Lord of the Rings Minifig Baddies
- [puke] These Crazily Detailed Anatomical Images Are Made With Curled Paper
- [puke] Vizio's 21:9 CinemaWide LED HDTV Arrives in March
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- About Schmidt (Jack Nicholson/Batman/Seinfeld/Friend’s ex)
- [280]
Jaguar Hearse
- [Luthor] - DECEASED
Crazy E-mails
- Nyal calls us “the best podcast in the universe”. Clearly he’s insane.
- Chris tells us how we ruined his child.
Outro Song -
- [artist] Bad Religion
- [song] Let Them Eat War
Luthor’s dead, long live the king.

Life-long fear of a cork maiming.

It’s all in the pour.