2012/02/15 16:14
Play Episode
Intro Song -
Host intros -
Puke and 280 have adventures in Vermont.
Guest -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
Media-Gasm -
Outro Song -

Nick is critical of this “Iris” bit.

Intro Song -
- [artist] Silversun Pickups
- [song] Substitution
Host intros -
Puke and 280 have adventures in Vermont.
Guest -
- [Name] Nick
- [About] Per usual, in the wrong. [nr]
- [URL] Learning to make websites. [nr]
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] Work etiquette
- [puke] Andrew always trying to contact me with different methods instead of the one that he knows works.
- [andrew] Brattleboro, better than Keene, but I'm the worst
- [puke] What kind of person has a bumper sticker that just says “pillow”?
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Brewdog
- [drink] Harpoon Celtic Ale
- [food] Cheez-it Cheddar Jack
News -
- [luthor] Pilot welcomes armed passengers
- [Listener - Karyn] Nanny State
- [artist] Butt Fudge Sundae
- [Sponsor] Toupets
More News -
- [Ryder] School suicide attempt
- [andrew] Ocean's 11 just happened in Chicago
- Leads to the webpage for the “No Agenda” podcast with Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak
- Why is this news? [nr]
New & Cool -
- [andrew] Android's “Siri”... I mean “Iris”.
- [luthor] Robots fueled by their victims
- [luthor] Barney’s Blog
- [puke] Press-To-Open Keyring Just Blew My Mind (And Saved My Fingernails)
- [andrew] Yumemiru dream controlling app
- [puke] Handheld CNC Machine
- [Ryder] Game Developer Get Money To Make a Game
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Luthor]
- Lord of the Rings (Extend Editions)
- [Nick]
Outro Song -
- [artist] Silversun Pickups
- [song] Panic Switch

Nick is critical of this “Iris” bit.