2012/03/05 17:23
Play Episode
Intro Song -
Guest -
Host intros -
A discussion on atheism. Bonus video-Jesus is my Friend
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
More News -
New & Cool -
People Who’ve Died -
Media-Gasm -
Outro Song -
Not even drunk yet.

Watching Red Letter Media’s Star Wars critique.

Intro Song -
- [artist] John Williams
- [song] Star Wars: A New Hope - Main Theme
Guest -
- [Name] Dale
- [About] Host of Flaming Freedom podcast / Really, really, really, really!!!!! gay!
- [URL] www.flamingfreedom.com
Host intros -
A discussion on atheism. Bonus video-Jesus is my Friend
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [puke] Competitive mode Andrew
- [puke] Fat wallets and back pockets. Why no front of the thigh pocket?
- [dale] When some program launches IE to browse the web when it’s not your default browser.
- [andrew] Anti-gay, anti-semetic,anti-etc???
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink]
- [wine] Oh Schist! Riesling
- [beer] Young’s Double Chocolate Stout
News -
- [puke] Cops Arrest Dad After Daughter Draws Gun at School
- [dale] Euthanasia roller coaster thrills you then kills you
- [andrew] Drunk Driver + Butt plug = Florida
- [luthor] Famous Robut, Bender, Elected School Board President
More News -
- [dale] Indianan homeowners can kill police
- [andrew] Gunman be at West Hall Today
- [dale] Test tube burgers approved by PETA
- [andrew] If a train leaves Warsaw...
New & Cool -
- [luthor] 10 Coolest Brothels
People Who’ve Died -
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Luthor]
- Hulk Movies
- Hulk (w/ I-rik Bah-nah)
- [Dale]
Outro Song -
- [artist] John Williams
- [song] Jurassic Park - End Credits
Not even drunk yet.

Watching Red Letter Media’s Star Wars critique.