2012/04/10 19:17
Play Episode
Recording Date - 08 / April / 2012
Show Leader - [Puke]
Intro Song -
Host intros -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
Media-Gasm -
New & Cool -
More News -
Outro Song -
Padron #2000

Nick trys a cigar...
…and is confused as to how to draw the smoke in without inhaling.

280 mashing his eyes for science.

Nick has to try ocular damage as well.

Recording Date - 08 / April / 2012
Show Leader - [Puke]
Intro Song -
- [artist] James Taylor
- [song] (I’ve Got to) Stop Thinkin’ ‘Bout That
Host intros -
- Puke goes to court; fails.
- 1-800-Flowers for free - I didn’t mean for it to go this far [nr]
- Hot Yoga [nr]
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] Hotel key-card fail = Sneak dog in and out of hotel fail
- [puke] Fancy ass gum packaging has no flavor names. (Orbit and 5)
- [puke] Saying “I love you!” in unison in the courtroom is really weird.
- [andrew] Creepy smiling guy at 7:30 AM
- [andrew] Goodbye heavyset woman of color
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Angry Orchard: Traditional Dry hard cider
- [smoke] Padron #2000 natural corona
News -
- [andrew] Child free flying
- [puke] A Worldwide Vanilla Shortage Is Making Ice Cream a Luxury
- [andrew] Supreme court upholds jail strip searches
- [nick] ‘Ghost Ship’ sunk by U.S. (map)
- [artist] James Taylor
- [song] Fire & Rain
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- [280]
- [Nick]
New & Cool -
- [andrew] Terrafugia Transition vs PAL-V ONE
- [puke] Girl Scout Cookie Grocery Store Equivalents
- [puke] Chinese Urine-Boiled Eggs
- [puke] Frozen Beer Foam That Keeps Your Beer Ice Cold
- [andrew] The Raven starring John Cusack directed by James McTeigue
More News -
- [puke] Sears closeout deal? That’s a stabbing!
- [puke] British Police Smash Car Window To Save Toy Dog
- [andrew] Rape Tag
Outro Song -
- [artist] James Taylor
- [song] Copperline
Padron #2000

Nick trys a cigar...

…and is confused as to how to draw the smoke in without inhaling.

280 mashing his eyes for science.

Nick has to try ocular damage as well.