Puke & the Gang

This will only hurt for a second...


Play Episode

Recording Date - 26 / June / 2012

Show Leader - [andrew]

Intro Song -

Guest -
  • [Name] Michael Garcia
  • [About] Travelled far to get here.

Host intros -
  • [puke] Porcfest: much drunkenness.
  • [andrew] Bored

Curmudgeon Corner -
  • [andrew] I'm turning into Puke
  • [andrew] The Kitchen (a stroke of moron)
  • [andrew] Deleted Comment
  • [andrew] Bacon
  • [michael] NH is so “safe”! Ooh ya; I’m running for state rep.
  • [michael] Friend on phone suggesting violence.

Shove it in your pie-hole -

News -


Media-Gasm -
  • [Puke]
  • [280]
  • [Nick]
  • [Michael]  

New & Cool -

Outro Song -

Emails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: Chippy
Message: Have you ever washed your hair with Head and Shoulders shampoo? Did you shampoo your fucking shoulders? Maybe it's for hairy people. Sometimes I shampoo my balls, and ass with it, and it makes me want to come out with my own shampoo called Head, balls, and ass.
My dad tells me one day about how every time he is behind a Honda CRV he gets pissed cause they are always really slow. After he tells me this I realize that he is right! Okay so maybe it's just his suggestion and my accepting of it, but what do you think? Cause now I can't stand the Honda CRV...
I was thinking about having a kid some day and what I would name it. Jonny jr. if it's a boy, but if it's a girl I like the names Natalia, and Jennifer. So I'm kind of leaning towards the name Jennatalia. As Mitch Hedburg said I'd hate to be a giraffe with a sore throat, god damn it anyways.
Are you fuckers going to be porcfesting? That sounds kind of weird... like I have a porcfestation on my junk. But whatever, I hope if you guys go, you tell those of us who wish to be there how it is and what it's like first hand. I hear about all the statist free food, and all of the presentations, but what about the darker side of things? Are there joints burning everywhere after the kids go to bed? If there is any insight on this I would like to know. Awesome, thank you scro.
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