2012/08/06 18:50
Play Episode
Recording Date - 05 / Aug / 2012
Music picked by - Puke
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, Julia, Mark
Intro Song -
Guest -
Host intros -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
Media-Gasm -
News -
New & Cool -
iTunes Reviews -
Outro Song -
Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Had a stroke when he was getting dressed.

This weeks gang.

“Yeah, I got this in prison. What of it?”

Non-edible packing peanuts.

JERKY! Thanks Karunt; it was very salty.


Recording Date - 05 / Aug / 2012
Music picked by - Puke
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, Julia, Mark
Intro Song -
Guest -
- [Name] Mark Edge
- [About] Host of Free Talk Live radio show and Edgington Post podcast
- Mark Edge was raised by a traveling snake oil salesman until a tragic accident involving a Dachsund landed him in the care of Carnival Freaks who encouraged him to perform various jobs in the Circus. Edge eventually tired of the constant stench of animal droppings and got a job in a salt factory where the workers introduced the enamored youth to Vaudeville. Soon he was traveling the country, developing his communication skills on hecklers in the crowd. During an impromptu performance in the swamps of the bayou in Louisana where he made sweet, sweet love with a Voodoo Witch, Edge heard about the new fad sweeping the land: Ray-dee-oh. The rest is history.
- [URL] www.FreeTalkLive.com / wwwMarkEdgeMedia.com
Host intros -
- [andrew] Julia, I took your advice.
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] The County Fair
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Victory: HopDevil Ale
- [drink] Smuttynose: Robust Porter
- [food] Watermelon!
- [smoke] Padron: Series 2000
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
News -
- [andrew] Snoop Lion / video
- [puke] Tractor-geddon!
- [andrew] Seatbelt Chimes
New & Cool -
- [puke] August 5th is International Beer Day
- [puke] Remove all those stupid babies from Facebook.
- [puke] Frosty nut pants.
iTunes Reviews -
- Thanks to Mike the Stepchild, Peter, Brad, and J_Whit.
Outro Song -
- [artist] Phoenix
- [song] Lisztomania
Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Had a stroke when he was getting dressed.

This weeks gang.

“Yeah, I got this in prison. What of it?”

Non-edible packing peanuts.

JERKY! Thanks Karunt; it was very salty.