Puke & the Gang

This will only hurt for a second...


Play Episode

Recording Date - 12 / Aug / 2012
Music picked by - Andrew
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, Nick, Johnson

Intro Song -

Guest -

Host intros -
  • Puke buys a motorcycle.
  • How Johnson knows Nick.
  • Ear orgasms. Thanks Puke.

Curmudgeon Corner -
  • [andrew] Nick is the worst and best person at the same time
  • [andrew] Chronic Freedom
  • [puke] Earwigs!
  • [andrew] Public bathroom anxiety
  • [andrew] Drive thru


Shove it in your pie-hole -

Media-Gasm -
  • [Puke]
  • [280]
  • [Nick]

News -

New & Cool -

More News -

Emails -
  • [See Below]

Outro Song -

Emails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: Tone Deaf Sean
Message: Hey P&TG,
  Now that you have seen Breaking Bad Season 4, you are now ready for the Breaking Bad RPG. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6701398/breaking-bad-rpg

Also Puke, I know you'll appreciate this.
  What is with the women in NH? I went to Water Country this week, and there were SOOOO MANY women in bathing suits, that SHOULD NOT have been in bathing suits. I saw one really hot latina chick, in her early 20's, in a nice little bikini, through the crowd. When the crowd moved so that I could get a real good look at her body, OMG. I was like a horror movie. Her belly button was sticking out like a deformed nose, and the stretch marks looked like she had thrown herself on a grenade.  Why not wear a one piece? And there were so many women that looked pregnant, but most of them you just knew were just fat. In bikinis!!! Why?!? Then, at the campground, there was this kid, about 16, with a mohawk, with the body of the "Fat Man". My wife saw him running down the trail, and thought that it was a topless dike. I know Tim would want pics, but I couldn't.

Well, enjoy the video, and you should get watching season 5. Julia is right, it's awesome.

Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Johnson and Nick join us for no reason.

Nick pantomimes picking up a beetle by accident.

How to catch a bee like a nerd.

Nick finds this story to be rather delightful.