2012/08/28 18:57
Play Episode
Recording Date - 26 / Aug / 2012
Music picked by - Andrew
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, Nick, Julia
Intro Song -
Host intros -
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
Media-Gasm -
News -
New & Cool -
More News -
Outro Song -
Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nick, hiding in the shadows.

Arron’s big package.

A whole box of shit.

“Real babies should not smoke!”

Angel jizz and other crap.

Portable ash tray / coin purse.

Andrew bravely tastes the ketchup candy goo.

Jim Beam whiskey cola is not good.


Beaver hair.

Recording Date - 26 / Aug / 2012
Music picked by - Andrew
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, Nick, Julia
Intro Song -
- [artist] Stephen Bruton
- [song] Every Once in a While
Host intros -
- Aaron's package
- Chunnel definition submitted to Urban Dictionary
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] Pulled over
- [andrew] Birthdays
- [andrew] Auto lights in bathrooms
- [puke] Life
- [andrew] Anthony Harvey
- [puke] Curmudgeon Happy: Twix peanut butter
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Xingu: Black Beer
- [drink] Old Rasputin: Russian Imperial Stout
- [drink] Sebago: Boathouse Brown Ale
Media-Gasm -
- This segment has been murdered!
- [artist] Stephen Bruton
- [song] Bigger Wheel
News -
- [puke] Toddler Fight Club!
- [andrew] Randy Travis
- [puke] The “Forgotten War” reaches 2000 dead US soldiers.
- [puke] The Gulf of America
New & Cool -
- [puke] Unreal Candy
More News -
- [puke] The military feels bad about suicide. So here's some nasal spray.
- [puke] No pictures of throat cancer required...this time.
- [puke] God hates homos! But he's a-okay with tuggin' the chunnel near a playground.
Outro Song -
- [artist] Stephen Bruton
- [song] The Clock
Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nick, hiding in the shadows.

Arron’s big package.

A whole box of shit.

“Real babies should not smoke!”

Angel jizz and other crap.

Portable ash tray / coin purse.

Andrew bravely tastes the ketchup candy goo.

Jim Beam whiskey cola is not good.


Beaver hair.