Puke & the Gang

This will only hurt for a second...


Play Episode

Recording Date - 23 / Sep / 2012
Music picked by - [puke]
The Gang: Puke, Andrew, JULIA!, Nick (3 min. rant), Ali (2nd half)

Intro Song -

Curmudgeon Corner -
  • [puke] They come and they go; leaving behind a trail of shit.
  • [andrew] iPhone
  • [puke] (photo) These ridiculous cards at Target. $8!
  • fi2oZQrDFCcAi2TnP7c0UKUEMgZlBw3DOUCh0bfrNHg-l_ZVf6F-sRHtMPrXqXDqcDXmw2wYhVKGdsiq9YF72aPSs2z1P6A9uV_FSXRu90XGw939Rrhf

Shove it in your pie-hole -
  • [drink] Brigid sent booze!


News -

The  Campaign

New & Cool -

More News -
    • From the article: “Florida is home to more than 15,000,000 drivers, nearly a third, or about 4 million, of whom are over the age of 60.”

Emails -
  • [See Below]

Outro Song -

Emails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: Justin
Message: Please let Julia know that after listening to episode 56 I love careless buttsex too and would like to know where I can get more.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From: Marek, Poland
Message: Hello Gang,
Thank you very much for last episode so deeply dedicated to butt-sex. This washes away the bad taste from the previous ones. I hope that now even such unworldly person as Julia will change her mind.
Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Julia’s “faggot tree”.

Strawberry beer is not good.

Nick shows up to rant...

…but doesn’t want his photo taken.

The birthday card Brigid sent.

The excellent grammar within.

Act two sees Ali join the cast of fools.

The reason Puke takes the photos and not Andrew.

As requested by the listeners, Puke.