2012/06/04 17:02
Play Episode
Recording Date - 03 / June / 2012
Show Leader - [puke]
Intro Song -
Guest -
Guest -
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Curmudgeon Corner -
Shove it in your pie-hole -
News -
Media-Gasm -
New & Cool -
More News -
Disturbing real life “Barbie Woman”.
Outro Song -
Live Video Recording Links::
Part 1: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23063600
Part 2: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23064190
Part 3: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23064990
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A good show will be had for sure.

Crazy horse radish beet relish stuff.

Chocolate covered potato chips; just what Americans need.

Chocolate berry things.

Choose wisely.

Andrews’s “The Inbred” drink. One part bourbon, one part stupid.

Serious gun pose...

…hilarious gun pose.

Recording Date - 03 / June / 2012
Show Leader - [puke]
Intro Song -
Guest -
- [Name] JJ
- [About] Born in an abandoned bomb shelter located in {redacted}. His father is alleged to be a moisture farmer and his mother a psychic. Little more is known about him and several government sources disavow any knowledge of his existence.cc
- [URL] www.youtube.com/jjschless
Guest -
- [Name] Carolyn
Host intros -
Passions, likes, dislikes, favorite colors.
Curmudgeon Corner -
- [andrew] Interesting introspective guy vs creepy loner psychotic
- [andrew] Dual drive-thru
- [puke] Why does the “Y” have summer hours?
Shove it in your pie-hole -
- [drink] Whiskey and such; a plethora of booze!
- [food] Carolyn’s secret food of doom!
News -
- [andrew] Don’t stop smoking. We’ll have cancer beat soon.
- [puke] eReaders can hide your shameful love of 'tween novels.
- [puke] "Fahrenheit Four Fifty-Dumb"
Media-Gasm -
- [Puke]
- [280]
New & Cool -
- [puke] Brass mold to make perfect ice spheres.
- [puke] Over-Engineered Ice Trays
- [puke] Star Wars Darth Vader Ice Cube Tray
- [puke] Star Wars X-Wing Ice Cube Tray
- [puke] Star Wars Millennium Falcon Ice Cube Tray
- [puke] The Best Ice Cube Tray of All Time
More News -
- [puke] Overturned Truck Dumps 400 Sheep Off Overpass
- [andrew] Domestic Drones to be weaponized, non-lethally
- [puke] Old People Smell, Confirms Science
- [andrew] Government offers plea deal of car crushing instead of jail time
Disturbing real life “Barbie Woman”.
Outro Song -
Live Video Recording Links::
Part 1: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23063600
Part 2: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23064190
Part 3: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/23064990
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A good show will be had for sure.

Crazy horse radish beet relish stuff.

Chocolate covered potato chips; just what Americans need.

Chocolate berry things.

Choose wisely.

Andrews’s “The Inbred” drink. One part bourbon, one part stupid.

Serious gun pose...

…hilarious gun pose.